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Child of Nature - Benefits of Nature in Childhood (E-book)

Af Rikke Rosengren

The Child of Nature E-book evolves around the importance of nature as a healthy and stimulating environment for children's development. Nature has a unique potential as a platform for children to grow and experiment. The book emphasizes the immanent curiosity of the child and its natural need for movement and how we can optimize the conditions for children's development outdoors. The possibility of both risky play and sensuous stimulation that nature provides for us, supports the health-promoting pedagogical foundation that is necessary for the healthy development of the child.

The book is relevant for parents and professionals as well as others that might have an interest in the multiple ways in which nature benefits human development.

Happy reading!

Emne: Health-promoting teaching

Målgruppe: Parents and professionals

Antal sider: 180

ISBN: 9788799687466

Sprog: English


Udgave: 1st edition

Format: E-book

Rikke Rosengren is the manager and co-founder of Bonsai, a Waldorf education house, forest kindergarten and nursery. Rikke has a professional education as a kindergarten teacher, specializing in Waldorf education, and has worked and taught in the field for many years, as well as having published several books. Rikke is, furthermore, the manager of the Bonsai Institute, a center for knowledge and competence for kindergarten teaching, nature education, and leadership.

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Child of Nature - Benefits of Nature in Childhood (E-book)

199,75 DKK

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